    It’s back to school time which means it is back to never-ending piles of school uniforms and tracksuits clogging up utility rooms across the country. With our inclement climate it is tempting to stuff our kids’ uniforms into the tumble dryer but do you realise that your dryer may be a potential fire hazard? Each year the Irish Fire Brigade Service respond to hundreds of home fires caused by tumble dryers. In order to prevent this happening to your dryer there are five easy steps you can follow:

    • The build-up of lint is one of the common causes of tumble dryer fires so make sure to clean the lint filter regularly.
    • Do not cover any vent or openings on the machine.
    • Clean behind the dryer and underneath it to prevent fluff build-up.
    • This is a hard tip to follow but please try avoiding using the dryer while sleeping or when away from home.
    • Clean the dryer regularly with a damp cloth. If you have a condenser model the machine’s heat exchangers need to be cleaned at least five times a year.

    These simple steps may not guarantee that you will stay on top of your washing but they will protect you and your family from a tumble dryer fire.